Episode Six



by mardel

With help from Nikki



"No man is an island entire of its self, every man is a piece of the Continent a part of the Main." A guy called John Dunne said that a long time ago, but it still holds true, even for a woman.


A small form dressed all in black crept across the grounds of a large Spanish colonial style building. Moving from shadow to shadow, it drew nearer to the side of the building, and attaching a video feed looping wire, a half-second later, a clear view of the area was replaying to the security office inside.

The figure scurried up the drainpipe attached to the south wall of the white stucco wall and slipped inside through a dormer window, hurrying down the hallway towards the target room, pausing to listen at the door for voices. Silence. Easing the door open, the figure slipped into the room and crossed to a large painting hanging on the fall wall. Footsteps sounded in the hall, and a man's voice, speaking in Spanish followed by a feminine giggle headed towards the room. The black-clad person quickly moved to the adjoining bathroom and closed the door.

Seconds later, the man to whom the voice belonged, and a young woman, entered the office and headed towards the couch near the picture. In the bathroom, the thief hastily opened the window, and balanced on a narrow ledge. Pulling off her mask, defeated, Alex Monroe breathed a tired sigh as she leaned against the building 30 feet from the ground. She moved several yards along the ledge then reached out and grabbed hold of the drainpipe, bracing her feet against the building. She shimmied down the pipe, removed the looping device, and ran for the brick wall that surrounded the property.

Jumping for a handhold on the top of the wall she climbed over. Alex headed for the black van she had parked on a side street near by. Climbing inside she slammed her head back against the seat, sighing as her hands began to shake. Her face tensed as her whole body began to shake involuntarily. Alex sucked in deep breaths, trying to calm herself, and the worst of the tremors subsided.

Eventually she pulled out her cell phone, punched in a number and waited for them to pick up. "Sir, I need to borrow them." she spoke into the phone. "Just one B&E. You do want me to do well when I'm on loan don't you?"

She sat rubbing her leg with her hand that wouldn't stop shaking as she received a response. "Yes, 10 a.m.. The Holman Square parking garage, bottom level," she answered, once again pausing for a response. "Thank you, Sir."


"I can't freaking believe this!" Bobby slammed Golda's door as he climbed into the van.

Darien was already in his usual spot in the passenger seat. He grinned at his partner. "What's the matter?"

Ever since Claire had given him the gene therapy to stop him from experiencing Quicksilver madness he found life much more entertaining.

Even Hobbes’ foibles amused him rather than grating on his nerves. "Do you remember when I made those modifications to Golda a few months ago?"

"Yeah." Darien had thought they seemed a bit James Bondish, but he'd helped Bobby, at least minimally, during the installation.

"I filled out six different requisition forms to get those improvements paid for before they were installed. Then I had to install all of them myself except for the armor. Now Eberts sends me a memo that states Golda will become an agency pool vehicle. Ever since her upgrade she's now considered an agency asset, and we aren't entitled to have sole use of the surveillance vehicle," Bobby informed his partner.

"That sucks. You made most of the modifications; you filled out all of the paper work. We should have first rights to her." Darien backed his friend up on this. He'd gotten used to Golda over the past two years. She might not be the best-looking vehicle, but she'd gotten them out of more jams than she’d gotten them into. And she had plenty of headroom too.

"Yeah, I told Eberts he could have her over my dead body." Bobby turned the ignition and pulled out into traffic. "Let 'em try and get their hands on my assigned Agency vehicle."


::Cue Theme Music::

There once was a tale about a man who could turn invisible. I thought it was only a story, until it happened to me. OK, so here's how it works: There's this stuff called 'Quicksilver' that can bend light. My brother and some scientists made it into a synthetic gland, and that's where I came in. See, I was facing life in prison and they were looking for a human experiment. So we made a deal; they put the gland in my brain, and I walk free. The operation was a success... but that's when everything started to go wrong.

::Music Fade Out::


Act One


Darien took a sip of his coffee and tried not to find the situation funny. Bobby got so upset about little things sometimes, but put him in a firefight and he was Mr. Cool-as-a-Cucumber.

"We're supposed to meet up with the contact at ten, aren't we?" Darien asked, since it was nearing that time.

"Yeah, I'll have us in place on time, partner, don't you worry." Bobby was already dodging in and out of traffic, speeding up, making lane changes every few minutes and generally driving like a stunt driver in a bad chase movie.

"So how come they can't tell us who we're meeting? I mean we all work for the same team, don't we?" Darien asked, just to keep Bobby's mind off the Golda situation.

"We may all play for the same team but if every other agency knew about your talents, the Fat Man wouldn't be able to keep you to himself."

"I'll never understand how you fit in at the Bureau. You aren't that arrogant or smarmy. They didn't seem to have a clue about Chrysalis, they dress like the guys from "Men in Black"... I'm glad to be back among the real people." Darien grinned like a fool and low-fived Bobby.

"Yeah, well they aren't the same as when I was there. They've allowed too many non-law types to join. Affirmative action may have gotten us a more diverse group of agents, but former English teachers doing fieldwork, that just doesn't jibe with security of the nation the way it was originally intended."

"You don't agree with female agents and minorities?" Darien hadn't thought Bobby was so close-minded. It startled him.

"I didn't say that," Hobbes disagreed. "Some of the best agents I’ve worked with were women. And I don't care what background you come from if you’re up to the task. But standards were lowered when affirmative action went in place. It’s the citizens who’re payin’ the price for that."

Darien considered this for a moment, thinking. "So was Monroe one of the new hires?"

"Monroe, now she's a good example. Best agent rating you can have. She's tough as nails and knows her spy craft. She wasn't one of my favorite people when she first came on board, but she's a good agent."

"I don't know, she was starting to grow on me, there, before the Fat Man sold her to the highest bidder." Darien admitted. "Now we hardly see her."

"Yeah, she was a little easier to work with towards the end, there. You never know when we’ll see her again." Bobby shrugged.

He pulled Golda into a parking garage and drove to the bottom level. "We're here, buddy. You might want to go see-through until I give you the all-clear," Bobby warned Darien as he opened his door and made sure his weapon was in place.

Bobby watched as Darien covered himself with Quicksilver and exited the van. He moved towards the far wall and kept his eye on his partner.

A small figure moved out of the shadows and approached Bobby. Hobbes shook his head and grinned, "I should have known. Speak of the devil, and here she is. I got this feeling I'd be seeing you again soon." Bobby extended a hand, offering to shake hands with her.

Alex Monroe had waiting in the garage, tugging at the neck of her black sweater that was too warm for the humid atmosphere of the garage. She still hadn't changed from the B&E, the night before. She looked exhausted, one of the few times Hobbes had ever been able to tell she was feeling the stress of her job.

She shook hands with Bobby. "Hobbes, where's Fawkes?"

"Hey, partner, come on over. Look who's here," Bobby said a little louder than usual, so Darien would be sure to hear him.

"Alex!" Fawkes materialized beside them as the Quicksilver flaked away.

"Hey, nice to see you," Darien hugged her in greeting, and she looked surprised by his welcoming embrace, lifting one hand to his back briefly in response.

Alex eyed Darien. He was as attractive as always, but he looked rested. Almost happy. It was amazing what having some control over your life again could do for your morale.

"I'm glad the Official let you meet me. I've run into problems with my current case. I could really use a hand on this." She sounded a little hesitant to ask for help, but then she'd sent for them so...

"Sure. Whatever you need." Darien grinned, cheerfully willing to let her off the hook, eager to help as always.

"I'm guessing you need Fawkes' talents both as a thief and as the inviso-boy," Bobby speculated sarcastically.

"Yes, but mostly the thief part, I think. I just tried ? and failed ? to obtain some documents from a very high security embassy. It's a long story. But after I got in, I found there were a few… security measures… I hadn’t known about. I'm going to need someone with some expertise in improvising to go in with me, and Hobbes, I could use some directional assistance from you on the outside. You seemed to have a real talent for reading the portable."

"Thanks." He hesitated, sarcasm falling away as he realized she was serious. "We'll do what ever we can to help." Bobby inclined his head to her in wordless apology.

"Great." She handed Bobby a slip of paper with an address. "If you'll meet me here, we can do this thing tonight. I'll have the equipment we need."

"Alex, is this really about your current assignment or does this have something to do with finding Stark and getting your son back?" Darien asked. Something about her stress level set off alarm bells in his devious thief's mind.

"I've been working for the Treasury department since I saw you last. This is about a counterfeit case. Not so much about security, but important to the morale of the country," she replied and looked directly into his eyes.

"She's good." Darien grinned at her and exchanged glances with Bobby, then continued. "But we know you too well. Tell us the truth."

"We'll still help you, Monroe; we just want to know who we are up against," Bobby added.

Alex pulled off her black knit hat and ruffled her hand through her dark hair, releasing it from the bondage she had inflicted on it. "Alright I'll explain, but let's go somewhere else." She glanced around the dreary parking structure, shuddering slightly. "Is there room for me in the van?"

"Sure. Come on." Darien put a hand out to her, then remembered she didn't accept small offers of courtesy, considering them demeaning to her abilities and independence, and hesitated, though he didn't withdraw the hand.

Alex took a deep breath. She felt like her entire world was crashing down around her again. But she wasn't going to break, not in front of them, especially. Once she was in the van, she slipped off her black sweater. Under it she was wearing a deep red French-cut tee shirt that showed off her figure.

Yet she seemed oblivious to the image she presented.

"Where to?" Bobby asked, glancing her way, but not staring.

"Can we go get some coffee?" Monroe asked wearily.

"You got it."

Darien helped her get the black sweater off and out of the way. "Are you really working for Treasury?" he wanted to know.

"Yes, and this started out exactly the way I told you. A smash-and-grab mission. But along the way, I stumbled across a tasty little tidbit. It seems Stark was at a Cuban embassy meeting with an undercover agent there. I'm worried he may be planning a change of alliance. If he takes James out of the country, I'll kill him."

"Hold on - what makes you think he wants to go live in Cuba?" Darien asked.

"It's a Treasury case because we suspect counterfeit bills are being passed by embassy personnel. We think it's a trial run for a bigger plan to flood our economy with fake bills. Just the type of trouble-making Chrysalis loves. Stark might be the front man for Chrysalis. Or he might be doing this on his own. "

"That doesn't mean he's moving the family." Bobby pointed out.

"I realize that, but what if he is? I'm a little scared." Alex hated to admit her true feelings.

"So you aren't sure what's going on but you want to put a stop to it?" Bobby inquired.

"Right. Anything I can do to make that S.O.B.'s life miserable." Alex nodded grimly.

Bobby parked Golda a block from a coffee shop and they walked up the street together in companionable silence. Alex had never taken time to notice the looks her some-time partners got from passing females in the crowd, but she was noticing this morning. Darien was attracting smiles from several of the women they passed. She noticed Bobby wasn't being ignored either

She'd taken several months to warm up to Hobbes, but he had grown on her. Like the time she insisted she be the one to face Javier's goons when Darien and Dante were in prison. Hobbes hadn't agreed with her plan but he'd backed her up just the same. His protective instincts towards her had been the biggest roadblock. Until she finally accepted them as fact, instinct, something he could no more control then she could control her drive for independence.

He protected Darien the same way, it was just in his nature. It wasn’t only because he thought they needed his protection, or that they weren't capable of fending for themselves. It was because he cared. It had been a long time since she’d known what that felt like. She even liked Hobbes off beat sense of humor. Not that she would ever let him know. Friendship had been a rare thing in her life as an agent.

Bobby held the door for her and Darien.

"Let me get this," Alex offered as they approached the service counter, taking their place in the queue for their caffeine fix.

"Monroe, you don't have to...." Bobby interrupted, uncomfortable with her generosity. It was one of the things that annoyed her about him, that misplaced chivalry of his.

"Let her get it, Bobby; it's no big deal." Darien stopped the older agent from making a fuss over a cup of coffee, and Monroe breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ok, but next time," Bobby insisted.

"Why don't you go find us a table?" Darien suggested.

"What does Hobbes want?" Alex asked his partner as she prepared to place her own order.

"Anything. He's not picky." Darien stood beside her, waiting for the transaction to be completed.

Alex felt short next to him, but then, he was very tall. Six three at least. It was one of the reasons she hadn’t liked Fawkes at first, that towering presence of his intimidating even for a five-star agent, but she'd changed her mind more quickly about him than with Hobbes. Fawkes had an off-center charm that was hard to resist.

The woman in front of her in line was fumbling with her bag, a cell phone and a Palm Pilot all at the same time and dropped her bag. She bumped into Alex in her effort to retrieve her bag, and Alex was pushed off balance into Darien.

Caught unprepared, her first impression at the sudden contact was: damn, he's more solid than he looks. Her head impacted his chest, her hand braced to prevent more contact, but he managed to catch it in his large hand.

"Easy there, Alex," he reassured her.

"Sorry," she mumbled at Fawkes, embarrassment making her duck her head, unable to meet his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, please excuse me," the lady apologized, mortified.

"It's OK, no harm done," Darien assured her. He'd forgotten that Alex was so petite. She was such a force to reckoned with, he tended to forget she was so much smaller.

Alex straightened up away from the contact almost instantly, but Darien kept hold of her hand a moment.

The worry in his face was real, and she refused to let on how much she needed that display of concern. She stiffened, resisting him.

"You're worn out. When was the last time you slept?" he asked her, eyeing her with worry.

"A while, but I'm fine." She slipped back into her tough chick act.

"Hey, Alex, it's me, remember? We've worked together under some pretty tough circumstances. You've saved my life. Talk to me." The concern was genuine.

"Three large Kona blends, please." Alex gave the order, pretending to ignore him, then passed the money to the clerk.

Darien took two of the coffees when they were ready while Alex claimed the third. He saw that Hobbes had taken a table at the very back of the room. It was as secluded as it was possible to be in an open place like a coffee shop.

Alex considered telling them her troubles. But she couldn't imagine doing so, "I'm having a little trouble sleeping, it's nothing important. Just let it drop okay?"

"Bobby is a good listener, you'd be surprised. He's been there, too. He might have a few suggestions." Darien spoke quietly, understanding her concern.

"I can't let my guard down. It's not professional," Alex told him, hating that she had made that admission.

"Come on, it's time you told us everything." Darien nodded towards the table, taking her elbow and guiding her with gentle insistence.

"What took you so long?" Bobby asked when they reached them, taking his coffee from Darien and managing a test sip.

Alex set her cup on the table and braced her hands on the edge. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Bobby exchanged looks with Darien, knowing something was wrong; Alex virtually never allowed the stress of her job to show.

Darien, still standing, put his cup down and placed a hand on the base of Alex's neck in a gesture of support, half expecting her to shrug him off.

She did, the refusal of comfort a reflex, in spite of her desire to allow the contact.

She had welcomed Darien's touch, tired of having only herself to depend on all the time for so long. Tired of being the tough chick, the one who didn't take anything, need anyone. What she really needed was for someone to hold her, just for a minute or two, to take away the pain that seemed to be such a permanent part of her. But she would never, ever, ask either of her partners for that type of comfort.

She knew Darien felt her tension, that he wanted to help her hold it together, not lose it. He motioned to Bobby to disappear for a few minutes, thinking Alex might allow him to offer her support if they were alone.

Bobby frowned. He didn't like seeing her struggling. He wanted to help too. Darien glared at him and nodded for him to go. But Alex moved into a seat and settled in to tell them what was going on. Darien frowned, then took the seat across from her.

"So you want to explain about this mission?" Bobby didn't ask or refer in anyway to her little moment of weakness.


"What was that all about?" Bobby asked once they were back in the van.

Alex had gone her own way back to her car.

"She's tired, or something. I tried to get her to explain..." Darien said and hoped Bobby would drop it.

"Monroe? Not even, she's the toughest agent I've ever met."

"Well even tough guys need support from friends and family sometimes," Darien defended her.

Bobby was about to say he never did, then remembered he'd been pretty needy there for a few months when Viv had left him. If it hadn't been for his doctors he probably would have....

"Yeah, OK, but I don't see you offering hugs all over the place."

"Hey, you want a hug, pull over. I'm an equal opportunity kind of guy,"

Darien responded. He didn't have a problem hugging another guy, especially one he loved as much as he did his partner.

"No, that's OK." Bobby shook his head. "But it's nice to know you would if I needed it."

"Alright then. How are we going to help Alex? I mean besides helping her with the B&E later."

"I don't know. What do you think she needs? Time off? Some kind of counseling? You think the stress of the job is getting to her?"

"I don't know, but once this is over, I'm going to find out."


When they returned to the Agency, Bobby headed for his office to make some inquiries with his network of informants. He wanted to learn if there was any information out there about the possible counterfeit operation at the embassy.

Darien went to talk with Claire, hoping she might have an idea of how to get Alex to accept help.

"Hey, Claire, are you busy?"

"Yes, actually, I'm making some headway with this new project." She finished mixing a pair of chemicals together as he approached her working station. "Did you know that applying heat to a molecular mixture of beta carotene, hydro-sulfuric acid and ....."

"No science lesson today, Claire. Can I get some advice?"

"Yes, of course. What's troubling you?" She turned to face him when he’d asked for help.

"It's Alex. She's part of our new case. Only she seemed fragile today. Like she's this close to breaking." He held up his thumb and forefinger, almost touching, to illustrate his point.

"That doesn't sound like Alex," Claire frowned. "Do you know if she's been under more strain than usual?"

"I don't know, but when I touched her back, I could feel she was hanging on for all she was worth there for a minute. Then she was better, back to almost normal," he explained.

"She allowed you to comfort her? That is out of character, but it might have been just what she needed. Alex is so self sufficient, asking for support from anyone goes against her rules. But everyone needs support, comfort or someone to listen, from time to time." Claire stood and paced over to her computer, then back to Darien. "You can't really do more then offer. You can't make someone accept help unless they've gone so far off track they need medical intervention."

"You mean like when Bobby..." Darien knew very little about the details of his partner's brushes with mental illness, but he knew they had been serious.

"Yes, exactly. Does she seem depressed?"

"No, like I said she seemed fragile. And that's not a term I thought I'd ever use when describing Alex."

Claire nodded.


Act Two


Alex, Bobby and Darien arrived at the location for the B&E in her black van. Deciding Golda might look out of place in the high rent area of town where the embassies from several countries where located.

It was just after the midnight shift change. The building they would be attempting to sneak into was a two-story white stucco Spanish colonial with dormer windows facing the street.

Darien was dressed in his all black outfit as requested: snug black jeans and his black turtleneck sweater that fit him like a second skin.

Bobby was wearing black also, but his outfit was a black leather jacket and dress slacks so that he might be able to pass himself off as just a guy out on the town.

"So are you ready?" Alex took a deep breath. She was also dressed all in black as before, her black leggings and form fitting stretchy top showing off her figure. "Hobbes I have the equipment you'll need to monitor us over here."

"Right just show me the set up, and you two can get going," Hobbes said, fine with getting straight down to business.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Darien chimed in.

"This is all the same stuff you're used to. Our frequency is already set. Darien, here's your headset." She passed the small mic and battery pack to him.

He threaded it into place, running the wire under his top shirt and tucking the battery pack into his waistband.

"Can you hear me Hobbes?" he tested the equipment.

Bobby gave him a visual OK. "Can you hear me?" Bobby asked in return.

Darien nodded.

"Great, we have twenty two minutes to get in and out before the next round by the guard," Alex told him.

"Alex, you're sure they haven’t brought in dogs?" Bobby asked as his companions turned to leave.

"No, when I was in there last night, there was only the usual motion detectors and cameras. They haven’t used dog in over three years."

Hobbes nodded, relieved. "Good luck. Keep me posted."

Alex and Darien moved off into the darkness, leaving Bobby to keep watch for trouble.


They managed to move past the outer perimeter with little trouble. Darien attached a standard looping device to the camera at the outer corner of the compound, allowed it to record for perhaps thirty seconds, then engaged the switch that would override the signal from the camera. Alex was up and over the wall in a few seconds, followed by him. They moved from shadow to shadow in the compound around the building. Alex had already told Darien the plan: they were going to scale the outside of the building to the roof, using the same handy drain pipe she’d used the day before, and enter through the window she'd rigged from her last entry attempt.

Alex led the way, climbing up the drain pipe with ease and hiding on the roof out of view while Darien climbed up after her.

"We're on the roof," Darien told Bobby once he'd joined Alex.

"I copy." Bobby kept his response short.

Alex waved to Darien to follow her, and she moved across the roof as quietly as a cat. Darien would have been impressed if he didn't already know her abilities. She tested the window she'd rigged but it had been discovered and was once again locked. "Damn."

"Maybe we should forget it," Darien whispered. "They might be expecting us."

"Believe me, I'd like nothing better than to forget it, but the proof we need is going to be sent back to Cuba in a few days. This may be our last chance at it."

"Then follow me." Darien moved back across the roof and to another area of the house. He lowered himself down to a small balcony and picked the lock on the door. He cautiously opened the French doors and checked inside but the room was empty. Backing out of the doorway, he waved Alex down to join him.

"How's it going, guys?" Bobby's voice filled their headsets.

"How much time?" Darien asked, checking his watch.

"You got about twelve more minutes."

"This way," Alex motioned to him. Darien followed her down a dark hallway, then down a small back stairway. She peeked around the corner then scurried to the second door on the left, opening it soundlessly and letting them inside. She moved confidently across the room and pulled down a large painting from the wall.

"You're kidding right?" Darien asked in disbelief as he caught sight of the old fashioned wall safe.

"I have the combination, if it hasn't been changed in the last few days," Alex told him and handed it to him, moving aside. The safe was mounted high on the wall, which meant Darien would have an easier time turning the knob on the combination lock.

Darien grinned in the darkness and rubbed his hands together. He spun the dial and began to turn the knob for the first number. The safe clicked open a few seconds later. He swung the door open and checked for any interior monitors. He didn't see any but he Quicksilvered his eyes just to be on the safe side. There it was one very thin beam of intense light crossing the inside of the safe. He Quicksilvered his hand and arm and reached inside and grabbed everything in the safe. He checked the collection of items in his hand. He saw American currency in a small bundle and several computer disks.

"Take it all. We'll sort it out later," Alex advised. Darien did as she’d ordered, then closed the safe back up and put the picture back into place.

"We got it. Let's go," Alex whispered.

"You better hustle, it's down to five minutes," came Bobby's voice on the headset.

Darien led the way back out, Alex just as happy to let him take the lead. She was glad to have had his help; her hands were shaking again, and she wasn't sure she could have dialed the combination herself.

Darien took them back to the room they'd entered through, but he lowered himself down from the balcony and dropped to the ground. Alex had the documents stuffed inside her tunic, so she had both hands free. She swung a leg over the balcony and was about to drop to the ground beside Darien when an alarm went off.

On the ground below her, Darien tensed. "Oh, crap." He Quicksilvered himself. "Let go. I'll catch you."

Normally, Alex wouldn't have followed orders like that, but in this case, it seemed like a good idea. She dropped into his arms and was swallowed up by the Quicksilver. Even through it, she could feel the solid strength of his chest as he caught her awkwardly, her head hitting his shoulder hard.

She was only in his arms for a few seconds, but the comfort of them around her was strangely reassuring. It made her glad he was on her side. "Whoa," she muttered, unsure if the comment was in reference to the chill of the Quicksilver coating her skin, or the heat of Fawkes' body against hers.

"Do you guys need me to come for you?" they both heard Bobby's voice asking over their headsets.

Bobby was outside the surveillance van, gun at the ready. He wasn't sure if creating a diversion would help at this point or not.

"No, hang on partner, I think we're home free." Darien told him.

Darien, with Alex in his arms, ran the short distance to the wall, and boosted Alex over it. Then he backed up and jumped for a hand-hold. He was up and over in seconds. Alex un-Quicksilvered when she landed, the impact knocking the stuff off in a rain of glitter, but as soon as Darien joined her, he Quicksilvered her again.

"Bobby, meet us on over on Front Street. We're out, but it's still possible they could locate us if we go back towards you."

"You got it partner." Bobby jumped in the black van and slowly drove off.

"It's nice you don't have to conserve the Quicksilver." Alex remembered cases they had worked when his limitations had almost cost both their lives.

"Yeah, it's real nice." Darien escorted her toward the new location for the pick up. "What about you? Are you OK? You seem a little shaky." Darien knew he shouldn't be prying but he did anyway.

"What about me? I’m not the one with a gland problem," she snapped back, tugging her arm free of his grip.

"I'm not the one with that problem either, any more, remember?" Fawkes said as he regained a hold on her. "I need to touch you for the Quicksilver to work, OK?" he informed her and embarrassment flooded her.

She was glad of the Quicksilver, because the blush on her face would have been noticeable even in the dark. "Sorry, I'll be fine," Alex lied. She didn't know why she was having bouts of trembling. They had started a week ago, coming and going unpredictably. But her strength was fine, as was her stamina, most of the time. It was just every once in a while... But she'd drawn some strength from having Fawkes at her back during the safe-robbing portion of the mission, and from that moment in his arms below the balcony, so she wasn’t as weak as she sometimes got when it hit.

The black van pulled up and they climbed in the side door, the Quicksilver falling off once they were safe inside.

"God, that feels weird," Alex said, shaking off the last of the silver flakes.

"Fun isn't it?" Bobby asked from the driver’s seat as he started the van again.

"That's one way to describe it." Alex looked wide-eyed at Darien.

"Are you alright? Your temple whacked my shoulder kind of hard when I caught you," Darien asked reaching to tilt her head into the light so he could look at her eye.

"I've been hurt worse in martial arts practice. I'm fine. Thanks," Alex added.

"You're going to have a black eye," Darien told her, as he checked her over.

"She's tough, partner. When we get back to the Agency..."

"We can't go back there," Alex spoke up, interrupting Hobbes.

"Ok, then where are we going?" Bobby asked calmly. "To the Treasury offices?"

"I'd feel better if you let Claire look at your eye," Darien fussed, hovering over her. She tried not to let his concern distract her.

"She won't be there this late," Bobby reminded him.

"Yeah, I almost forgot Claire doesn't wait around on me now," Darien grinned.

"Ok, so where are we going?" Bobby asked again.

"How about my HQ? I'll drop the stuff off , you can pick up your van, and then we can all go out for a drink?" Alex suggested. "My treat."

"Sounds good," Bobby turned confidently at the next corner, obviously not needing her help in navigating.


Darien and Bobby were sitting outside the Treasury building in Golda, waiting for Alex to return, Darien stretched out in his usual casual sprawl in his seat, Bobby relaxing behind the wheel.

"So when she comes back do you want me to disappear, partner?" Bobby asked.

"No, why would I...?" Darien glanced over at Bobby. "No! Why are you trying to pair me off with her?"

"Because you like her, she likes you, we don't work together that often right now."

"Man, it's always straight to Naughtyville with you. I'm not trying to get Alex into bed, so just lay off, will you?" Darien glared at him.

"I'm just saying, Fawkes," Hobbes grinned at his partner. "She really enjoyed breaking up your party with that hot little honey you met at the newsstand that time. She was real glad we got there before things got serious," Bobby smirked.

"She gloated about it?" Darien asked blushing slightly.

"Well, let's just say she was thrilled we got there before things happened. I think she was a little jealous," Bobby teased.

"Alex jealous? Over me? Give me a break, Hobbes," Darien scoffed, not believing that for a second.

"OK, guys, let's go, I'm off the clock now." Alex returned and joined them in the van.

Alex had changed part of her outfit while she was inside. Her black sweater was gone and she was wearing a silver silk top with a deeply cut décolleté.


They arrived at a local bar a few minutes later and Alex again noticed all the looks her two male companions were collecting from the women present as they entered the bar.

"You can buy the first round, but the second one is on me," Bobby said leading them to a booth that was open near the back of the long wood-paneled room.

"Fine, Hobbes," she said, throwing up her hands in defeat. "I appreciate your help tonight, guys; I want you to know that."

"You're welcome," Darien nodded. He took a seat on the inside because he knew Bobby preferred to be facing out so he could watch the room. Bobby grabbed his favorite spot which left Alex to choose. She could sit beside Darien or Bobby. She chose Darien.

Bobby smiled. Darien glared at him.

"What can I get for you?" the waitress asked as she arrived. She smiled at Bobby, then noticed Darien and smiled even more nicely for him.

"Two drafts, and, Alex, did you want a beer?" Bobby answered for himself and Darien.

"I'll have a margarita, please."

"Sure, coming right up." She hurried off.

"So do you like working for Treasury?" Darien asked. He figured it was a safe enough topic.

"It's not bad. They usually let me do assignments alone. Although when the President visits later this year we are all going to be pulling security duty," Alex paused, then continued. "Have you heard the latest? I heard Stark was demoted as head of the west coast branch of Chrysalis."

"When did you learn that and how?" Darien asked.

"Just now, when I turned things in and made a quick report. The information is hot off the intel line."

"Well, I hope our little B&E tonight spoiled his plans." Darien added.

"Yeah, anything to ruin his day." Bobby agreed.

The drinks came and they raised their glasses together to celebrate a successful mission.

"I have a toast," Alex kept her glass up after taking a sip. "To Claire, for discovering how to fix the... the problem." Alex knew better than to talk about something as highly classified as his gland in public.

"Here, here," Bobby and Darien both agreed.

As the night went on, they drank a few more rounds. Bobby stopped after two, since he had designated himself driver, so he was sipping on a ginger ale while the other two were still having stronger drinks.

It was nearly closing time when Hobbes escorted Darien and Alex to the van. Alex was hanging on to Darien, giggling and feeling no pain. Her fourth margarita must have done it. Darien was slightly drunk, but he was mobile. Bobby started the van after getting them both into the back seat.

Darien sprawled across the seat, with Alex leaning back in the far corner, both of them half asleep.

"Alex, I don't know where you live," Hobbes turned back to watch them. "Alex, wake up a second and tell me your address." Bobby reached a hand back and shook her, but she was out. He picked up her purse and pulled out her wallet. He knew the neighborhood, but it was a code-access building. They all were in that part of town. "Great, not only do I have to nursemaid my partner, now I have to take care of five-star lady agent." He pulled up to Fawkes’ building. "Come on, partner, I don't want to have to carry you again." Bobby got Darien to wake up.

Bobby guided Darien up to his apartment, then went back to the van and a sleeping Alex. He drove her to her place and tried to wake her enough to tell him the access code. "Come on, Monroe, just tell me your code number for the building, and I'll have you in your place in no time." Bobby patted her cheek and shook her a little by the shoulders.

"Um, Hobbes, it's 72461," Alex said groggily and opened her eyes a little to looked at him. Bobby assisted her out of the van, hoisted her to her feet and wrapped a strong arm around her body. He walked her to the door and swiped her key card, then punched in her code. He was relieved when it worked and the door buzzed so that he could pull it open.

Bobby carried her down the hall to her door, then into her apartment. He laid her on her couch, removed her shoes and weapon and covered her with a throw. "You're as bad as Fawkes some days," he said, shaking his head he left.


"Sir, there's a call for you from an Agent Jensen at the Department of Treasury." Eberts entered the Official's office carrying a stack of files.

"That's where Miss Monroe is on loan at the moment, isn't it?"

"Yes, sir, that is correct." Eberts set the files on the table behind the Official's desk preparing for a scheduled meeting with Fawkes and Hobbes.

"Agent Jensen, I hope you are taking good care of our five-star agent," the Official said as he picked up the phone.

"Agent Monroe is working out well, but she has uncovered information that leads us to believe more could be developed if you'd consider loaning us Agents Fawkes and Hobbes." Jensen didn't like having to ask, but if Monroe's hunch panned out it could mean a promotion for him, breaking a major west coast case.

"You want to borrow a pair of my Agents," the Official stated, positively giddy. He covered the mouth piece of the phone, "Eberts, get out the quarterly report. We might be able to order that new fax machine after all." He uncovered the mouthpiece of the phone and went on with feigned calm. "You were saying?"

"Monroe tells me you have an Agent Fawkes who has a special talent we need on this case." Jensen cleared his throat, clearly hating having to ask for a favor from Charlie Borden.

"Ah, yes, Fawkes and his partner, Bobby Hobbes, are two of my best men. They'll cost you almost as much as Monroe.

"I think we can make arrangements for an additional fee, if you could send them over today. We'd like to get started."

"Of course. Nice doing business with you." The Official hung up the phone. "Eberts, get Fawkes and Hobbes in here right away."

"Yes, sir. They are due for a morning briefing any minute now." Eberts looked up from his arranging of the file folders.

Bobby entered the Official's office just as Eberts was saying this, followed seconds later by Darien. Fawkes was carrying a large cup of coffee and still chewing on a breakfast roll of some kind.

"Hobbes, take a seat. This is going to be a short meeting." The Official stood and glared at Darien. Darien stuffed the last of his breakfast into his mouth and pretended he wasn't eating in the Official's office again after he'd been asked not to on numerous occasions.

"Good morning, Chief." Bobby took his seat, prepared to let Darien take the heat for a change.

"Agent Fawkes there has been a special request for your services from the Department of Treasury. You and Hobbes will report there this morning for a briefing."

"Department of Treasury? You mean it's an official request this time? Not just Alex wanting an assist?" Darien questioned.

"Miss Monroe has cleared it with her superiors, and she requested your assistance." He smiled, remembering they were now going to get paid for two more agents on loan.

Eberts was standing at the Official’s side, listening. He looked disappointed that his new briefing materials weren't going to be used.

"We'll make you proud, Chief. Come on, partner, let's see if we can get over there before cross-town traffic gets heavy." Bobby stood up and refastened his jacket button.

"Don't worry, I'll keep the invisible thing to myself as much as possible," Darien assured the Official, on his way out.

"Eberts, what have those two been up too?" The Official hadn't liked Darien's parting comment.


As Darien and Bobby entered the Treasury building, Hobbes pushed open the lobby's double doors and speculated, "I figure they offered him money for our time." He approached the front desk and its bored occupant. "We're here for a briefing. Agent Hobbes and Fawkes." Bobby showed his badge to the man at the front desk.

"Yes, sir, room 235. The elevators are on the right just over there." The gesture was haphazard, lazy.

"Thanks," Bobby said disapprovingly and moved off towards the elevators, Darien following him. The Treasury building was a lot nicer than the Harding building they called home. It looked as if it had been built in the last ten or fifteen years. The elevators were large and silent, unlike the old-style small creak-and-moan ones at the Harding building.

They entered room 235 and were greeted by two men, and Alex.

"Thanks for agreeing to help us out." Alex stood up and handed them each a file as they arrived. The bruise from the night before was not completely hidden by her makeup. And the night of drinking hadn't helped with her exhaustion.

"Agents Robert Hobbes, Darien Fawkes, this is my superior, Owen Jensen and Agent Michael Grant." Alex introduced everyone.

Jensen was a man of average height with graying hair and blue eyes. Agent Grant looked younger, more Darien's age, his complexion dark, his stance that of a former military type.

"Nice of you to help us out, gentlemen." Owen offered to shake hands.

They all exchanged handshakes and then everyone took a seat around the oval table. "Sure, anytime." Bobby nodded.

Alex flipped off the lights and started showing slides of people. "This is Ernesto Perez. He is a Cuban agent we suspect of setting up the counterfeit op from contacts he's made in the area." A photo of a middle-aged man of Hispanic heritage, with a mustache and carefully styled dark hair shimmered on the wall. "And this is Jared Stark, one of the men I suspect of assisting with the counterfeit money passing."

Darien coughed as Stark's photo appeared on the large screen. He knew that Alex had been following Stark's whereabouts, but this picture looked very recent. Alex had really meant it when she said that she only kept her job with the Agency to find her son, and get back at Stark..

"This is Helena Perez, the wife of Ernesto, and also an undersecretary for her government." Mrs. Perez was also middle-aged, with carefully applied makeup and rich, dark hair. She was wearing designer clothes and gold jewelry.

Alex flipped on the lights. "So what we need help with is a little sensitive," she said, sounding uncomfortable as she sat down across from Darien and Bobby.

"I've been wondering what we’re doing here," Bobby said.

Agent Grant spoke up. "Helena Perez has a weakness for tall men."

Darien looked worried. He'd been taking classes locally in espionage techniques and had been getting coaching from Hobbes, but he hadn't needed to prove his talent in anything but shooting and self-defense. Well, there had been that Big Frickin’ Mess case, with Senator McEvy a few months ago, but that had been strictly off the record. Bobby tried to hide a smirk, but he didn't try very hard.

"Agent Fawkes, we'd like to send you in undercover to get information from Mrs. Perez," Alex told him, and gave him a look like ‘if you'll just agree to this now I'll explain later’.

"Hey, great! Fawkes just took a course in CTS. He can put it to use," Bobby said.

Darien didn't want to reveal his insecurities in the CTS department in front of Alex's boss and make her look bad, so he agreed. "I can do that, I guess," he said finally, reluctantly.

"Great, then I'll turn you over to Agent Monroe." Jensen stood. "She can finish the briefing."

Once their boss was out of the room, Grant stood also. "Can I offer you guys some coffee?" It was clear he didn't want to be in the room when Alex explained the details of the case.

"I'm good," Bobby waved him off. "I want to hear this."

Grant left, and Alex looked even more uncomfortable. Darien looked even more unhappy. Bobby grinned, loving the entire situation.

"Uh, why couldn't you get one of your agents to do this?" Darien asked unhappily.

"Mrs. Perez likes tall men. Much taller men. Younger men. We don't really have anyone here that fits that description," Alex explained.

"How far do I have to go to get this information?" Darien asked uneasily.

"Whatever it takes, partner," Bobby chimed in.

"Don't compromise security, but do what you have to." Alex evaded the issue.

"Come on, buddy, you can do it," Bobby complimented him.

"Yeah, I guess I could do it, but do I have to?" Darien whined.

"We need your help, Darien. I need you to do this so we can corner Stark and the rest of them." Alex was firm, but both of them could sense the urgency she felt.

"Ok," Darien sighed. "When is this going down?"

"Tonight. There’s a reception at the Embassy. I've gotten an invitation for you. I'll also be there but not with you," Alex explained.

"Do you need me for back up, or are you two on your own?" Bobby asked. "No," Alex paused. "Yes. I need you to be my date. Escort me to the party, and help me keep the way clear for Darien to meet Mrs. Perez."

"Oh, I get to go to the par-tay, too?" Bobby stood up, apparently looking forward to this mission even more now, if it meant he could attend a function with Alex on his arm, and his partner on parade. "I think you're going to have to expense a suit for him. His wardrobe being what it is..." Bobby didn't finish his comment.

"I can authorize that," Alex nodded.

"Uh, question?" Darien raised his hand like a student, after glaring at Hobbes about that wardrobe crack.

"Yes?" Alex rolled her eyes.

"Do I get some expense money for this? If I'm trying to impress the lady, aren't I going to need some cash?" he inquired, calculatingly.

"Yes, you'll have spending money. Just don't go crazy with it," Alex warned him.


"Do you really have to be with me? I think I can manage to pick out a suit without your guys' help." Darien protested.

"From the looks of your wardrobe, I'd say you need all the help you can get." Alex gave his usual retro casual funky print shirt and beige pants a look.

"Yeah. I've got to agree with Monroe on this one, partner. You need help when it comes to dressing nice." Bobby waved over one of the salesmen.

"He needs a nice suit, maybe Italian, but not top of the line." Alex was trying to keep the expense down, but make it look good.

"Yes, ma'am, I believe we will be able to find just the suit you are looking for."

Darien rolled his eyes and sighed, but with a small push from Bobby he followed the salesman and Alex towards the Italian suits.


"Come on, what's wrong with this one?" Darien complained almost an hour later. He'd already tried on four suits and he was more than ready to stop. But Alex was being very choosy.

"What do you think, Hobbes?" Alex asked as she did another turn around Darien. The suit looked nice on him, even as lanky as he was. She was pleasantly surprised.

"I like this one." Bobby was growing weary of the search also. It wasn't like Fawkes was that hard to fit.

"Alright we'll take this one and the gray one. Can you have them ready by five?"

"Yes, ma'am, of course." The salesman waved over his fitter to make sure they got the best length for Darien.

The fitter spoke up after marking the length. "Shall I take in the sides just a little more?" he asked Darien, then when no response was given he looked to Alex for an answer.

"Yes, we want him to look his best." Alex had a mischievous look in her eyes as she said this.

Darien suddenly got very worried about exactly how far he was going to have to go in the line of duty for this information.

"Don't sweat it, partner, you can handle this." Bobby reassured him.


Act Three


Darien entered the room, paused and surveyed the place, looking for his partners. It was a reception for the new assistant ambassador, so he could meet and greet other members of the embassy community. Waiters were circulating with champagne and a wide variety of food was off to the side, available for

sampling. The lighting was soft, casting a gentle glow on the people present, helping them to look their best.

Alex was keeping a careful watch on the people attending the reception, and Bobby was also moving through the crowd keeping an eye out for trouble.

Darien felt a little nervous, his hand were sweating like it was his first time asking a girl to the junior high dance.

He hadn't had to seduce anyone as part of a job before. He'd been seduced by Allianora, but he didn't have to hide his ability to Quicksilver with her. He took a deep breath and walked down the small flight of stairs. He'd already spotted his target. Now all he had to do was meet her.

Darien made sure he was visible, standing out from the crowd. He kept glancing Helena's way, making eye contact with her several times. He hoped his smile in return would produce results. But she made it easy; she approached him after he'd only been there fifteen minutes.

"Hello, I don't believe I've had the pleasure." She offered to shake hands with him, while studying him intently. Her tongue slide over her lips letting Darien know that she clearly liked what she saw.


"Bingo," Bobby returned to Alex's side, "he's made contact."

"Good. Let's hope she likes him. I don't have a back-up plan if this doesn't work." Alex nodded and turned her attention to the action across the room. It appeared that Helena was attracted to Darien.

Darien was talking with Helena, flirting outrageously. Whatever it was he was saying kept her laughing, and the hungry appreciation on her face made it clear to anyone who looked her way that she had just latched onto her dessert of choice.

Bobby stayed near Alex, keeping an eye on Darien and Mrs. Perez. He was sharing a small plate of appetizers with her and pretending to be making small talk. He had every confidence that his partner would do him proud. But it was fun watching Alex, watching Fawkes. He did think Alex would have liked to have met Darien in other than a work atmosphere.

"Looks like it's a slam dunk," Bobby whispered to her a few minutes later.

"Yeah, I chose Fawkes because he fits the profile of the type of men she's attracted to," Alex replied glancing at Bobby for a moment, then returning her gaze to Darien and the lady in question.

"So Alex, would you care to dance? I think we are going to be here for a while yet, and we might as well enjoy ourselves," Bobby offered.

"Alright," she accepted the offer, and for the first time since Darien had entered Helena Perez’s orbit, Bobby felt like he had her full attention.

"What?" he asked, as her gaze raked him critically, taking in the well-fitted tux and the crisply pressed dress shirt he wore. "I spill something on the duds?" he asked, glancing down at his lapels.

"No," Alex answered, a little flustered. "It's just the first time I've seen you all dressed up."

"I clean up good." Bobby grinned at her, pleased at the left-handed compliment, and led her to the dance floor, and they waltzed through two songs. A small orchestra was playing for the partygoers, and the live music added to the atmosphere of wealth and privilege.

Alex kept checking on Darien's progress over Hobbes’ shoulder, but they just seemed to be talking. "Why isn't he dancing with her?" she asked, frustrated.

"Monroe, relax will ya? He knows what he's doing." Bobby told her.

"I know, you already told me he went through your version of CTS training, but he's still not really a trained agent, like you and me."

"Maybe not by your standards, Monroe, but he's doing pretty good. You should see him on the target range. He's a pretty good shot." Hobbes waved a hand in Darien's direction. "I think he can handle this assignment, he's practically got her drooling on him," Bobby told her. "Or is it that you would really rather he didn't complete this assignment?" he teased her.

"Of course not, why would I want him to fail? I was my idea to ask the Agency for assistance. I'd look foolish if the man I chose for the mission failed," Alex protested.

"I just thought maybe you were a little jealous," Bobby goaded her.

"Jealous? Me? Of Darien? Are you serious?" Alex came to a halt on the dance floor. Bobby had to nudge her to get her moving again.

"Okay, so you're not jealous. I just thought you were so happy to stop his little rendezvous with that chick from the magazine stand, maybe you wanted him for yourself, that's all." Bobby continued, mostly because she'd really overreacted to his suggestion that she liked Darien and wanted him for herself. Something about 'the lady doth protest too much'.

"I was happy we found him so quickly. It had nothing to do with preventing him from taking that trollop to bed," Alex stated.

"Okay, okay, just a thought. Trollop huh?" Bobby snickered, not believing her pronouncement that she wasn't jealous.

"You're impossible," Alex sighed in exasperation, but she still kept her eye on what Darien was doing.


Darien was still chatting up Helena. He'd asked her to dance but she kept saying she'd prefer to talk. So they were talking, and she was flirting.

He was responding, but not too strongly. She seemed to want to do all of the pursuing in the relationship.

She was nice looking, with carefully applied makeup, and artfully arranged hair. It was so black it must be colored, at her age. She looked to be in her fifties. Her designer clothes reflected her wealth without going over the top. If it wasn't for the fact he felt like a mouse being stalked by a big fluffy cat, Darien almost could have liked her.

The evening wore on, and Darien beginning to wonder if he was going to succeed in his objective, when she finally invited him to join her for a private drink.

"Don't you have to keep things kind of low key?" he asked, hesitantly. "I wouldn't want to cause any trouble between you and…"

"Oh, you mean my husband? He's probably already in bed with his latest mistress. As long as I don't protest his behavior, he lets me alone," she told him and took his arm, walking him towards the stairs. Darien noticed she was slightly unsteady on her feet, like she may have enjoyed more than the two drinks he'd seen her sipping.

Darien soon found himself in her private suite. It was a beautiful room decorated in soft pastels, with plush carpet, satin drapes and several gilt mirrors on the walls.

He was getting nervous again. She clearly wanted to do more than talk, and he wasn't sure he could keep his cool enough to keep from Quicksilvering at the critical moment.

"Now then, what can I offer you to drink?" Helena walked to the far side of the room and lifted a decanter of brandy, offering to pour him one.

"Whatever you're having is fine." Darien tried to calm down. If he was this nervous, things weren't going to go well. He tugged nervously at his shirt collar as if to loosen it and paced to the window as she was pouring the drinks.

Helena poured them each a brandy and handed him a snifter. She was eyeing him again, and he felt like the prize bull at the county fair.

Darien wasn't having much success calming himself down, so when Helena moved in close and kissed him, he fumbled his glass of brandy.

"Relax, we have all night," Helena told him, taking the glass from him and setting it on an end table. Stroking her hand over his shirtfront, she smiled seductively up at him.

Darien smiled weakly at her, "I'm just worried we might be interrupted."

"I told you, my husband doesn't care what I do, so long as I'm discreet," she assured him as she untied his bow tie and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. She kissed him again, and Darien tried to respond convincingly. But pretending to be turned on by this woman was going to take some serious acting on his part. He was just beginning to get into his role as her lover when Helena guided him to the bed, pushing him down onto it gently and settling down beside him so she could nip his lower lip. Experimentally, Darien nibbled on her earlobe, then kissed his way behind her ear and down her neck, her sighs of arousal telling him he was on the right track. As he continued to kiss down her neck, her sighs stopped and he realized she'd passed out.

He was relieved. He took several deep breaths, then moved off the bed.

He removed her shoes, covered her with her bedspread, and left her a note asking her to call him. Re-buttoning his shirt and tying his bow tie, he let himself out of her rooms and made his way back downstairs, where the party was still in full swing.


"Looks like lover-boy is done for the evening." Bobby nodded towards the foyer. Darien paused long enough for Bobby to notice him, then left, the plan being to meet back up with Bobby and Alex at the Agency.

Once away from the embassy, the three agents gathered for an informal debriefing in Bobby's office. "What happened? I mean did you gain her confidence?" Alex changed her question. She had no desire to hear details of what had gone on between Darien and Helena.

"It wasn't exactly her confidence I was going for just now." Darien glared at Alex. "We were starting to get somewhere, there for a minute, but she had too much to drink and passed out." Darien made his explanation quickly. "I left her my number; I'm sure she'll be calling."

"Good thinking, partner. Yeah, I think you'll hear from her." Bobby nodded, smirking.

"Why didn't you prevent her from drinking so much?" Alex criticized.

"She only had two drinks while I was with her. She must have had several before the party started," Darien shrugged.

"Great. It's just going to take longer for you to learn what we need, now."

"He's doing fine, Monroe. Cut him a break will yeah?" Bobby defended his partner.

"Yeah, it's not like I scared her off or anything. She was the one that drank too much," Darien added, annoyed at the implied lapse on his part.


Not surprisingly, Darien did hear from Helena the next morning.

He was just entering the Agency building when he nearly bumped into the Official's assistant. "Hey, Eberts, how's it going?"

"Good morning, Darien. Things have been quiet here this morning." Eberts nodded to him and kept moving up the hall towards the file room. Darien's cell phone rang "Hello?"

"Darien, thank you for the note," came Helena's voice. "I'm so embarrassed about last night. I hadn't realized I'd had that much to drink. Can I make it up to you? I'd like to see you again. Let me take you to dinner. What is your favorite restaurant?"

"I like Michel's," Darien suggested one of the fanciest venues in San Diego

He could practically hear her smile when she replied. "Michel’s it is."

"I'll pick you up at seven," Darien told her.

"No, I'll meet you there, my sweet. More discreet that way."

"Fine. At seven then," Darien hung up.


"We'll have to wire you so we can tape anything she says," Alex told Darien later that afternoon when he told her about his impending date with Helena.

"But no ear piece, we don't want to risk her noticing," Bobby added.

"Couldn't I have one of those really tiny ones that go all the way inside your ear?" Darien asked, plaintively. He really preferred not to go solo on this assignment, and being in touch with his back up was reassuring.

"No, Bobby's right. Considering the type of relationship, placing the mic where it won't be noticed is going to be hard enough." Alex said, pacing across the room. "You have to get her to talk about Stark, or any contact she may know about that her husband might have had with members of Chrysalis."


Darien was wearing the other suit Alex had expensed for him, tugging on his tie as they drove to the restaurant. Alex had spent most of the afternoon using her contacts to get a reservation at Michel’s on such short notice . He was nervous, so nervous that he trying his biofeedback and relaxation techniques to calm himself. The worry about what he might have to do to gain Helena’s confidence was still there in the back of his mind.

"Okay, partner, make me proud." Bobby patted Darien on the back as he climbed out of the van and walked into the restaurant.

Hobbes and Monroe parked alongside the building and tuned into Darien’s mic.

"Relax, Monroe, he'll find out what Stark has been up to," Bobby assured her. Alex was pacing the sidewalk beside the van; Helena hadn't arrived yet and she was taking advantage of the break.

"I'll relax when this is over." Alex glared at him.


Darien was standing in the foyer when Helena arrived.

"I'm glad you called this morning. Please allow me," he offered her his arm and escorted her to the table, following behind the maître d'.

"I'm glad you left me your number," Helena smiled up at Darien.

Helena Perez was already high as a kite as they sat down at their table. Darien guessed that the mini bar in her limo was probably empty. But that didn’t seem to stop her. The first thing she ordered was a bottle of Dom Perignon and quickly drank three glasses of it as Darien sipped on one.

As their meal arrived they discussed random topics from current news events to the way that San Diego had grown in the past twenty years.

Eventually the small talk stopped. For a few awkward minutes Darien and Helena sat silently, Darien toying with his food. Then out of the blue Helena brought up the reception the embassy had held the other night. She wanted to talk about all the wonderful people she had seen there, but Darien turned the conversation to something they could use, working into asking about Stark.

"I saw a man at the Embassy the other day. I've heard things about him, I was wondering if they were true?"

"Who would that be?"

"I believe he's called Stark; I've heard he can arrange for all types of special requests." Darien was treading lightly.

"Yes, he is very resourceful. He helped us with a supply problem we were having," She nodded and sipped her wine.

"I see. Then he's a good man to have around?"

"Yes, a very good man." Something in her tone told Darien she meant in more ways than one.


Bobby and Alex were listening in the van.

"Ouch, that doesn't sound good. You don't think she...." Hobbes started, then shuddered.

"I think anything is possible with this woman," Alex frowned. "She's like a dog in heat."

Bobby made a face. He'd do just about anything for his country, but following Jared Stark when it came to, he didn't even want to go there.


Darien wasn't sure if she was implying she'd taken Stark to her bed, but he was sure he didn't want to know. He fought to maintain a neutral look on his face when what he really wanted to do was gag.

"Shall we have my driver drop us off at a hotel I know nearby?" Helena asked, reaching to caress Darien's hand where it rested on the table.

"Yeah, sure. I've been looking forward to this all day," Darien did his best to sound tempted.

"Hang in there, Fawkes, you can do it." Bobby was cheering his partner on. Alex rolled her eyes and shook her head, almost sorry she'd ever asked to bring them in on this case.

Darien and Helena took her limo to a nearby hotel. Darien was trying to relax so he wouldn't trigger the Quicksilver. But he was dreading having to get intimate with her.

"I'll just go and freshen up," she excused herself once they got to a very nice room.

"Guys, I don't suppose knowing he smuggled supplies for them is enough information?" Darien spoke quietly into his mic.

"Come on, Alex, let’s let him get out of there,". Bobby tried to help his partner out.

"Give him a few more minutes, he might get her to divulge enough information for us to issue a warrant for Stark's arrest." Alex looked almost as uncomfortable with Darien's situation as Bobby did.


Darien paced, trying to decide on a plan for Helena’s return.

"I'm back, Darien. I've been looking forward to this all day," she said, coming up behind him and sliding her arms around his narrow waist.

He turned inside her arms to face her, and she reached up to kiss him. He did his best to feign a convincing response, letting mental images of his favorite actresses flash in front of his mind’s eye to provide inspiration.

They kissed for several minutes, Darien all the while working hard to keep the Quicksilver under control, praying that his partners would find a way to get him out of this situation before he accidentally revealed a classified secret by vanishing in the middle of making love.

It wasn't so much that he was particularly turned on, he was far too nervous that she might discover his secret for that to be the problem. But either way, adrenaline was raging through his bloodstream, and regardless of the cause, the end result was the same.

"You have a magnificent build. Let me see more of it," she requested, stepping back to sit on the edge of the bed.

Darien half smiled and began to undress, first his jacket, then he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Helena watched admiringly as he disrobed, and beckoned him to sit beside her, then moved to touch his chest, and as she stroked her hand over him the Quicksilver began to flow.

"Ah, crap," Darien groaned as his left leg and most of his abdomen vanished from sight.

Helena shrieked, her eyes wide with fright, then she passed out.

"Guys, you'd better get up here fast," Darien said into the now silent room, knowing the mic would transmit the request to his partners.


Act Four


"Crap," Alex ripped off her headset and pulled open the van door. Bobby was right behind her.

When they entered the hotel room, Darien was standing in the middle of the room, his shirt open, but not off. For the second time in as many nights, Helena was passed out on the bed.

"Good job, Darien, at this rate we are never going to get the information we need from her," Alex berated him.

"It wasn't my fault! She saw the Quicksilver and fainted," he protested.

"Don't worry about it, partner, I have a back up plan." Bobby flipped open in cell phone and dialed rapidly. "Yeah, Claire do you still have any of that Beta-C stuff lying around?"

"Why?" Claire asked suspiciously on the other end of the line. "I’ve been working to modify the dose and the toxic effects, but it is still dangerous. I’m not sure how useful it will be when used in standard interrogation."

"I don’t think we have any choice, here, Claire. I think we're going to need some. We're on the way in."

"Alright, I’ll have a dose ready. Have you cleared it with the Official?"

"Ah, not yet, see ya soon," Hobbes avoided the question by hanging up hurriedly.

"Hobbes, that would be kidnapping," Alex reminded him.

"Yeah, well, do you want to get the info on Stark or not? Inviso-boy, here, is outta the running as a Romeo. You think she’s gonna tell him anything after his little accident? Besides, Fawkes just blew his cover big time in the gland department. Protocol says we find out what she knows about him. If she’s been doing business with your pal Stark, he may have told her about Fawkes. I can see Fidel just loving to get his hands on my partner," Bobby pointed out.

"It wasn’t my fault!" Darien griped, turning his puppy dog eyes on first Hobbes, then Alex.

"Yeah, well, you coulda mentioned your little problem before you agreed to try the seduction angle, pal," Bobby said, not falling for the look.

"Alright, enough, both of you. Darien, you are going to have to put her in the van with out her driver seeing either of you."

"That I can do," he agreed, relived beyond words that this time, invisibility would be deliberate.


Claire was waiting for them when Darien carried Helena into the Keep.

"This is the person you want to use the Beta C on?" She was appalled that they were carrying in a middle-aged woman.

"Believe me, Claire, this is the only option," Bobby tried to persuade her. "She saw Darien Quicksilver and knows way too much about him for us to just let her run off and tell her husband and anyone else who would listen."

"I'll have to check her vital signs first. We can't risk this if she isn't up to the stress it will place on her system." Claire began to check Helena for pulse, blood pressure and heart sounds.

Bobby had brought along a recording device from the van and he was setting it up beside the exam table. Alex was worried, but she was keeping her mouth shut for the moment

Darien moved in close to his partner. "Thanks man, I really appreciate you coming up with a back-up plan."

"No, problem, I can relate," Hobbes said, busy with the equipment.

"Yeah? You had to seduce a lady that wasn't exactly Miss America?" Darien grinned. He'd never heard this story before.

"Let's just say she was a very important Russian scientist who we needed information from." Bobby rolled his eyes.

"Got ya. Thanks man, I’d just as soon not have a story like that to remember in my old age."

Alex paced over to Helena and Claire. "So do you think we can do this?"

"She seems healthy enough. What caused her to faint?" Claire looked up from her patient.

"Darien Quicksilvered when they were alone together. I guess it was too much of a shock for her," Alex explained.

"I see."

Alex ignored the speculative lift of Claire s eyebrow.

Passing up the opening Alex had just given her to find out what Darien had been doing alone with a nightgown-clad matron, she went on: "You do realize that she'll probably speak in her natural language once we give her the drug. Are you fluent in Spanish?"

"Yes, but we're going to record everything, too." Alex nodded towards Bobby and the data recorder.

"Alright then, I’m assuming you have cleared this with the Official." Claire walked over to the cold storage and retrieved the vial of Beta C.

"Ah, no I haven't but he did give his permission for Darien and Bobby to assist me with this case. They are on loan for a few days. So I don't think he'd have a problem with you helping us as well." Alex stretched the truth a little.

"It's OK, Claire, he wants us to help her out," Bobby added.

Clearly not entirely convinced by their arguments, Claire prepped the syringe. "Get ready. This usually has a strong effect." She injected the Beta C and then waved smelling salts under Helena's nose.

"Where am I?" She blinked open her eyes and looked up at Claire and Alex.

"I'm a doctor. You passed out," Claire informed her, taking her pulse again.

Alex moved a step closer to the exam table and asked. "Helena, what can you tell me about Jared Stark?"

"Jared? He is a good man. He helped us with the money."

"Money? Tell me about the money," Alex continued to question her.

Claire stepped back and Bobby asked her: "I thought you said she would speak in her native language?"

"She may have grown up using both English and Spanish from the start, not learning one before the other," Claire explained.

Bobby nodded. Darien was watching, but as long as Alex got the information she needed, he wasn't paying close attention to what Helena was saying.

"Claire, isn't one of the after effects of this that she won't remember being questioned?" That was what Claire claimed about her experience with the drug. That she didn't remember much about what had happened.

"Yes, but I can also do a little memory altering with her once Alex is done questioning her."

"Memory altering?" Darien grinned. "What's that?"

"It's kind of like a post hypnotic suggestion. If we tell her not to remember being questioned when she is still under the influence of the drug, she won't." Claire explained. "It's kind of a bonus side effect."

Bobby was listening to her explanation, but he was remembering when he'd found her and Darien on the docks that day. He'd been so freaked at their behavior, he'd wanted to beat the crap out of his partner.

Alex continued to grill Helena for almost an hour. She learned all kinds of interesting information on the counterfeiting plans, but the only thing she learned about Stark was that he'd been helping them set up the counterfeit distribution. It didn't sound like he was planning to move to Helena's home country.

"Okay, I think I've got all the information we’re going to get. Claire, is there another shot you have to give her to turn her off?" Alex joined the three on the far side of the lab.

"Yes, and a few suggestions about forgetting what has just happened."

"Darien, we're going to have to put her back in bed at the hotel," Alex warned him.

"I can handle that, so long as I don't have to ah, get into it with her." He shook his head.

"Dodged the bullet on that one, buddy," Bobby smirked.

"Did you get the proof you needed on Stark?" Darien asked.

"Yes and no. He didn't do anything illegal enough for it to be a federal case, but we will shut down the Cuban connection. She did give me a few ideas about where to look next to set a trap for him," Alex frowned.


"Alex, we need to talk," Darien stuck his head in the door of Alex’s office in the Treasury building. It was the day following the embassy mission, but he was obviously still worried about her.

"Fawkes, what are you doing here?" Alex hadn't expected him to come to her office. He'd phoned twice but she hadn't returned the calls.

She knew what he wanted and she didn't have any answers for him. Darien closed the door and walked over to stand before her desk. "Have you, you know, checked things out with a doctor? I'm sure Claire would be willing to have a look...."

"No, I'm fine really. It was just stress." She tried to blow it off.

"How can you be sure if you don't get it checked out?" He really was worried about her.

Alex sighed. She wasn't use to anyone caring about her, and it was kind of nice, but strange just the same.

"I'm really kind of busy here, Darien, maybe we could talk about this another time?" She returned to the work on her desk.

"NO, no, I'm not letting you brush me off again." He came around the desk and lifted her up out of the chair. "Like it or not, Alex, people are concerned about you. I'm concerned about you."

They locked gazes for a few seconds. Darien had never been upset like this over her before. She wondered why he was now.

Darien blinked and loosened his hold on her, rubbing her arms with his palms where he'd just grasped them in his haste to gain her attention. "Sorry, but I am worried about you; you can't just blow this off. Claire can keep it quiet. No one has to know, not the Official or the Treasury Department," He tried to persuade her. "Alex, you can't mess around when it comes to your health. I know, I took mine for granted before Kevin played Doctor and now it's my biggest problem."

"Darien, I understand that you're concerned. But do you realize that if Claire finds something, almost anything really, my career could be over? There will be no way for me to keep tabs on James. I could never handle that. My career is my life," Alex confessed.

"But it might not be anything bad, and if it is, she can treat you," he argued. "Alex, you're playing Russian roulette with your health, here."

"That's nothing new for me. Hobbes and I knew the risks when we signed on. We weren't tricked into it like you were."

"You won't go see Claire and let her check you over?" He sounded so serious. She wasn't used to this tone from him.

"No, I won't." She looked up into his dark eyes, seeing he was truly concerned for her. But she couldn't do what he wanted. Not if meant losing the opportunity to get back her son. She would die before giving up whatever hope remained.

Darien had considered what he would do if she refused. He'd thought about bringing Claire along and drugging her like he had when Bobby had been flipping out after being infected with a super-virus at the college. But that would attract too much attention in her current office. Claire was right, if Alex didn't want help, he couldn't force it on her.


"She wouldn't go for it, would she?" Bobby asked once Darien returned to the van.

"No, she won't see Claire or anyone else." Darien sounded very down and worried.

"Look we'll just have to keep checking on her. Between the two of us we'll convince her." Bobby tried to reassure him. "Meanwhile we'll have Claire check into possibilities. Maybe it really is just stress."

"I hope you're right; I hope we can change her mind." Darien slouched in his seat and Bobby started up the van.




"Gentlemen, I understand your work with Miss Monroe was completed. They were pleased with the information you helped obtain. A major counterfeiting ring will be derailed due to your assist on the case." The Official was praising them for once.

"Thank you, Sir." Bobby inclined his head.

"Yeah, it's nice to hear we did a good job." Darien was still drinking his morning coffee.

"There is, however, the matter of the use of an Agency asset that was not part of the deal made with the Department of Treasury," Eberts added. He handed the Official a file, open to a page full of numbers.

"It seems you two took it upon yourselves to make available for this mission our most secret ace in the hole. Beta C. Dr. Keeply has been adjusting it since we acquired it from Gaither. But it wasn't supposed to be available to other agencies with out their paying a handsome price for it." He sounded like he was trying to control his temper.

Darien and Bobby exchanged a look, knowing they were in trouble now.

"Sir, may I point out that you didn't share that information with us when you assigned us to assist Agent Monroe...." Bobby lifted a finger to make his point.

"I don't tell you two everything." The Official snapped. "Besides, I loaned Treasury my agents, not my latest experimental interrogation drugs!"

"The money that we could have charged for the use of the Beta C will have to taken from your paychecks," Eberts looked pleased as he said this.

"But Sir!" Bobby started, dismayed that once again his pay would be docked.

"It's on me, partner. Eberts, take all of that from my paycheck." Darien didn't care what it cost, particularly since he was still going to be collecting the rental fee he’d begun charging for the space the gland used in his head. He was just glad he didn't have to, well, it didn’t bear thinking about.

"That's not necessary," Bobby pretended to protest.

"No, it's fine. I'm the one that dodged the bullet on this one," Darien reminded his partner that he hadn't been too keen on sleeping with the target.

"Oh, yeah right." Bobby winked.

The Official looked displeased. He'd been all set to explain to Bobby why they had to take the money from his paycheck, again. "Well other than the use of the Agency asset without permission, you did a good job. I've heard favorable things from Miss Monroe and her superiors."

"You hear that partner? We did good." Bobby smiled.

"Don't let my praise go to your head, gentlemen. I expect you both to start thinking about the Agency bottom-line from now on. No more giving away our assets." The Official warned them.

"Yes. We will be able to make the budget, with the added money loaning out Agent Monroe brings in, but we can't afford to just give away your services, or anything else," Eberts reiterated.

"Don't worry about me, I'm not planning to volunteer for anything else," Darien promised.

"You know what they always say in the service, partner, never volunteer for anything." Bobby ticked with his tongue and nodded.

"Point taken," Darien nodded back.


Alex hadn't gotten the proof she wanted to put Stark away, but she was less worried that he might be taking James out of the country. I might not have been able to get her to talk to me about whatever it was that was going on with her, but as John Churton Collins once said, ‘In prosperity our friends know us, in adversity we know our friends.’ We just wanted Alex to know that she had friends that cared.

